Comments appreciated as always. Rolling along with the MiG as we clean up the camo edges. After that we get a gloss coat on her to protect the camo and to prep for decals. I REALLY like Alclad Aqua Gloss as my gloss coat. It sprays on nice and dries quick and hard. Since it is an acrylic, I thin it with 90% iso alcohol and have been experimenting with adding a few drops of Mr. Color Leveling Thinner to make it lay down even nicer.
The NK insignias that come with the Eduard kit have a clear background so I'll have to mask the white circles prior to decal application. The circle cutter comes in very handy for this type of mask. A little bit of paint creep and overspray that I need to clean up.
I picked up a cheap sheet of Communist Block (Chinese) numerals for the MiG-15. Only one style so unfortunately, I won't have the exact style as depicted in the profile for Red 417 that I have. Also don't have any kill marks.
No stencils are provided so decaling is very minimal. I've kept the underwing insignias with the clear background.
The decals are sealed with another application of Aqua Gloss and we are ready for a panel wash. A dark brown color is applied liberally over the bottom of the aircraft.
This Eduard kit features very fine panel lines and even finer rivets. Some of the rivets near seams were re-punched using a sewing needle. Because of the fineness of the recessed details, it is a good idea to let the wash dry thoroughly prior to wiping off.
The top of the aircraft is given the same wash procedure.
I usually step away from the model after this step and hold off on applying the flat coat. You want to make sure that you remove any unnatural smudges that always seem to appear after a panel wash. So I put the model down and did some work adding painted parts to the sliding canopy. The frames on the semi-circular bulkhead (which was supplied as a clear piece) was handpainted since it was too small to mask.
After inspecting and re-inspecting the model a few times, I applied the flat coat. I'm still using Tamiya Flat Base added to Alclad Aqua Gloss. The finish is good but I'm still leery about getting the right mixture to avoid the white frosting that appears once you've added too much Flat Base.
A closer look at the cockpit opening. I'll leaving the canopy open on this one.
The ejection seat, which fell out somewhere along the way, is glued back into place. I've placed the gunsight to make sure it fits under the windscreen but it's not ready to be glued in yet.
A look underneath... I'm toying with the idea of putting some NMF around the gun bays. The profile of Red 417 hints at this but I'm not sure if I'll do this or not.
Now that the flat coat is on, I'm going to think about some additional weathering before I start gluing on the final bits and pieces.