**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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Here is one for waist guns. Don't remember where second pic came from but source on photo

waste guns.jpg

waiste guns pic.jpg
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Sorry Bill, kind of gave you more than you asked for but once I start on this aircraft I can't seem to stop LOL. Need anything else let me know :)
Date from the war diary of the 486th bomb squadron on what there comrades new on that day.

Pages from 14_Hist_Dec44_Feb45.jpg
Thanks for ALL that.
Did two things; made me see the "over under" guns on the starboard side of the nose in my first picture.
So now I realize I was looking for something that did not exist.
I can proceed, with your help.

Meanwhile I did some detail on the entry stairs and will add a floor up the fuselage.
The hatch opening will be cut when the floor is attached.

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