Thanks Wayne. There were several more steps needed to get to the point seen in the following picture in that, for the open canopy, the stacked canopy frames had to be masked and painted, first with yellow-green and then silver, then glued in place. The windscreen was glued in place and masked. Following that, the cockpit had to be masked up to the glued-in parts to protect the interior from overpsray. Unfortunately, I took no pictures during this process but all will be revealed in due time.
Also, I wanted to take into account the fact that I'll be spraying the fuselage with Alclad Semi-Matte Aluminum lacquer which first requires a lacquer gloss black primer. I didn't want that colour to form the base for my yellow wings, nor did I want the Tamiya acrylic to form a layer under the lacquer so I went ahead and masked off the wing demarcations (having first applied Tamiya Grey Surface Primer) and then spritzed on some Tamiya XF-3 Yellow mixed with my last bit of Tamiya Gloss Clear, which I never liked and won't buy again, and two drops of red in the 1/2 ounce of paint. I find Tamiya's yellow to be a bit too lemony and hence the need for a bit of red. The wings will eventually be fully glossed and so will receive a couple more final gloss coats later before applying the decals.
I will let this cure overnight as I ponder the next steps. I'll either finish the wings off or go ahead with the aluminum fuselage but need to think about it.
In the meantime, a review of my references suggests that I should not have sprayed the fuselage area under the middle flap red as this appears to have been left in the underside colour which in my case will be aluminum. It seems only the movable surfaces were red and so the landing and dive flaps will remain red.
Thanks again for following along.