**** DONE: GB-53 1/32 Fw190F-8 - Eastern Front

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Thanks guys. More engine work done today.

I would suggest that the kit engine is fairly well detailed and can stand on it's own even if the cowl panels are opened. I did buy the Eduard engine but to tell the truth, I think it would be better as a stand alone kit by it's self.

Still a little bit of clean up and paint to do but it's almost finished, need to add the exhaust manifolds and engine mounts.
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Thanks guys, here is the finished product. Super Bowl starts in a hour and a half but figured I would work this down while the talking head were running there mouth. I painted the exhaust with Vallejo Exhaust Manifold metallic and then a brushing of "light rust" the rest of the engine is Vallejo Metal Colors Aluminum and Gun Metal with the CSD in Blue grey and the back in NATO Black. I use black ink for the rocker covers. and Metal Colors Copper for the cross bar between the rocker arms. I used Tamaya dark brown wash on the cylinder heads and black on the CSD cover to bring out the details. Over all I'm pretty happy with it as it came from the kit.

Okay I've searched high and low and I can only find two photos of my subject. Can anyone find anything else on my subject? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Right now I'm thinking of doing it as it is seen in the pictures I do have.
Sorry Don, I have the same photos you do
Thanks, thinking the photos would be a cool build anyway. Got a display base coming from Costal Kits out of England for it.
Maybe Wojtek might have something but I'm liking the wreck better all the time. All the guns are pulled and panels are left open. The canopy is missing. Might leave som engine cowling open just for effect. Though in the picture the all all closed save the right engine exhaust panel.

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IMHO the starboard gun bay cover was of the aluminim colour basicly. The metalic tone can be noticed in the enlarged shot. The stiffeners there seem to be tinted with the RLM02 or 66 or being anodized.


Regarding the bombs with the shark mouth .. IMHO the author was inspired by these used with the Hungarian Fw 190F8 ...

Fw-190F8 Hungarian AF.jpg
IMHO the starboard gun bay cover was of the aluminim colour basicly. The metalic tone can be noticed in the enlarged shot. The stiffeners there seem to be tinted with the RLM02 or 66 or being anodized.

View attachment 658207

Regarding the bombs with the shark mouth .. IMHO the author was inspired by these used with the Hungarian Fw 190F8 ...

View attachment 658209
Cool 😎 I think I'm gonna try the dio concept.

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