**** DONE: GB-55 1:48 Wellington Mk 1C - MTO III

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Hi Vic. I'm at the inlaws til tomorrow and then going to my Mom's. TBH, the wing attachment is where I stalled on my model after discovering that the boxes attach at the wrong angles. I don't remember what glue I used, possibly CA but there was no way to get them off so I started chipping away at the corners of the wing opening and bixes to enable the wing to rotate to the correct position. As the model sits today, I have large openings in the wing and rounded off corners of the boxes on the fuselage but no positive means of securing the wing. It's a very sloppy conn3ction now. I'm thinking of gluing some shims to the box and shaping the shims until the wing fits tightly in the new position but I'm not at that point yet. Hope this makes sense.
Thanks Andy, I have done a couple of rough test fits and as yet have seen no problem but I have been loathed to position and glue the box and then clip the wing into it. I'm not quite at the stage where I have to make the move and fix the wings but its a bit of a concern in the back of my mind.
It's hard to believe its been almost 10 days since last posting on this build, I've had a quick trip to Melbourne which was fruitful with a couple of model purchases.

So catch up time. The two halves of the fuselage are now together but it took a couple of days a lot of cussing and the whiskey is almost all gone. They were not a good fit but I have to admit some of it was due to my fiddling and adding extra bits. Anyway it is together now but looking very sad and extremely dusty. Unfortunately in the process of sorting out all the gaps and bumps I managed to feed the carpet gremlin with a couple of Browning gun barrels. But this will easily be fixed once my brass .303 barrels arrive.

So today I had a go at navigation and formation lights, never did like having painted over plastic, so out came the old toothbrush handles and a couple of tiny LED lights and the fun began.

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Thanks for all the kind words gents, very much appreciated.

Were now at the painting stage and a lot of black paint was floating round my garage today, this lot is SMS Premium Black which gives a great cover but like Old Bill (N4521U) says, the bottle seems to run down quickly. Anyway, with luck we'll mask up tomorrow ready for the camo paintwork.

Thanks for popping in folks and sincere thanks for the kind comments.

So were moving forward and in hope of meeting the deadline this coming Sunday.

On this last shot I'm just waiting for the decals to set in and I'll trim them round the holes.
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