**** DONE: GB-56 1:48 P-47D Bubbletop – Thunderbolts and Lightnings

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Thanks for the interest Gents. Spent the day fiddling and the upshot was the Chrome Yellow (LongLife UA134) and some dirt applied where needed, like everywhere.

Chores permitting, tomorrow I'll do a bit of wear and tear chipping and maybe start to get some parts together.
Thanks for taking time out to look guys.

Touched a lot of plastic with glue today, making up for a missed day at the bench yesterday, so get a bit of masking done and I'll be ready for a spray marathon providing it don't get too hot.

It will be a miss day tomorrow, many things to do and we've fish and chips lunch in the park down by the lake with the temp forecast at 33C. Plenty of beer on tap, so that could be the saving grace.

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