I spent a few hours last night struggling with the butchery........I mean surgery last night and these 2 shots are what I ended up with after a lot of trial and error, trying to get the best fit, tareing it apart several times in the process.
I have a lot of issues with the shape of these resin parts and came real close to binning the whole thing.
Here's some of the issued:
First, the cowling is the wrong shape. It should be symmetrical top and bottom but is deeper on the bottom. Also the recess for the exhaust is molded into the cowling when it should be in the fuselage side behind the cowl. It will have to be filled in and the proper location cut out in the fuselage
Here you can see here where I set the fuselage plug to match the depth of the profile and that the cowling is much to deep and will have to be re-shaped.
And lastly, the fuselage plug is also way too deep at the rear. I set it in as deep as I could burying the scoop as much as possible but its not enough and I'll have to file the plug down quite a bit.
All in all I'm very disappointed with the resin set. There is a 1/48th full resin kit out there that I wish I would have went with instead of this one. It was a lot more expensive but by the time the price of the donner kit is factored in for this one it only works out to be an extra $25
Well I'm still going to struggle on with this one for now.