**** DONE: GB-61 1/48 FM-1 Wildcat - Carrier and Maritime Aircraft

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Thanks Glenn.

Right then! Underside touched up and gloss coated. I added the painted-over insignia remnant on the one side while I had the touch-up paint in the cup.

For some reason I departed from my normal procedure this time and I'll have to remember not to do it again. The key to achieving the patchy effect shown above is to use very thin paint. The downside of doing that though is that the coating is very fragile and easily scratched. To avoid damage, I usually gloss coat the finish right away so that when I flip the model over to do the top I don't mess up the paint. This time I left the gloss coat late and had many scratches that needed repair. In any event, they are gone now and all is good.

Need to let this sit for a while before tackling decals and washes so I'll be back when something happens on that front. Thanks again for looking in.
Thanks very much guys, it's appreciated.

With the gloss coat cured, I went ahead and slid on the lower decals. The "A2" came as one piece but I cut it up to reduce the amount of film and also to give the "A" a better chance to conform to the machine gun bulges. In the below pic the A is still settling down with Solvaset and we'll need to see how it looks tomorrow.

As you can see, the golf cart has also been assembled. This is nicely done by Eduard, the delicate parts being close to scale and a perfect fit.

This will all sit over night now and I'll then tackle the next step with these new Eduard decals that I have no experience with. More on that when I get there. Thanks for the looks and likes.
Thanks guys.

Looking forward to those decals. Any idea what year the started so I can avoid them?
Not sure Geo but I don't think it's a big deal. I just read Brett Green's blog about them and he maintains removing the film is completely optional. My decals do look pretty good as is but videos I've seen show that removing the carrier film can make the decals look much closer to having been painted on. The downside is that you need to wait a day before doing anything. Brett used mineral spirits to do the removal but others simply pick at a corner with a scalpel and peel it off.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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