**** DONE: GB-62 1/32 Spitfire Mk. VIII - Spitfires

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Yes, a Phenolic!
Something looks off to me. The strut at the top of the 2 frames should be close to horizontal and more perpendicular to the frames in my opinion.
Possibly the angle of the shot as the other two look okay and the seat frame seems to be bedded correctly. Other than that all looks Purrrrrrfect...................................Damn me wheres that bloody coat!
Thanks all, there is still quite a bit to add before she closes up, but it's near ready. Well like the old Memorx commercial "Is it real or is it Memorx" is it real or is it Tamiya. I used the Quinta for the IP, seatbelt, a little bit strewn around the cockpit but mostly I painted the details. It's amazing what 1:32 will do for your eyesight.

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