**** DONE: GB-63 1/48 Bf 108B-2 Taifun - Stormy Weather

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Thanks guys. So many idiots on the highway yesterday; three passing on corners for a start. Almost have all the parts to be sprayed RLM02 together. Decided to go with a light grey for the fuel tanks after reading another site. Leathered up the seats and started the 20+ piece engine that will barely be seen in the end but is needed to support the visible exhausts. Pics later
Leathered up the seats and started the 20+ piece engine that will barely be seen in the end but is needed to support the visible exhausts. Pics later
And beautifully detailed as well.
Glad for the pictures. There should be a side gallery of the engines 'n other innards on these builds. Sometimes the most impressive fiddly bits will never be seen again.
Seats done, still a bit wet. Lap belts look retractable, ergo.....invisible


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Looking very nice. But it seems that the leather tone should be slightly lighter and more brownish. Also I'm not sure if it should be of the leather skin. According to the book I mentioned above, the war production Taifuns had the textile covering there.
Thanks guys. Engine done save for the exhausts. They are a flush fit so will be installed later. The locating holes in the engine block were too small for the cylinders so I ground down the lugs. The end parts for the block had no locators so these had to be eyeballed. The front piece has a small hole which I believe is where the propeller shaft is to be located; not very optimistic about this. Painted with Tamiya Semi-gloss Black, Titanium Silver and weathered with Citadel Nuln Oil


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