**** DONE: GB-63 1/72 Hawker Typhoon 1B - Stormy Weather

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What Andy says.

Your introe "Evening All" reminds me of an old UK TV program called "Dixon of Dock Green". These were the words of PC George Dixon (Jack Warner) who introduced every episode with these two words.
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What Andy says.

Your introe "Evening All" reminds me of an old UK TV program called "Dixon of Dock Green". These were the words of PC George Dixon (Jack Warner) who introduced every episode with these two words.
Hi Vic, yes I recall that show as a youngster, Z cars too albeit a bit later on. Back when telly was all black n white.

Cheers Greg
Thanks all

Latest progress, and I'm fast approaching the finish line here. Have been working on the wee bits and have got the Matt coat on along with a few touch ups

So I'm reasonably happy with that. Still waivering about the rockets but I'll see what it looks like with the rails first.

Thanks for watching.

Cheers Greg
Afternoon folks

Well as I predicted this ones crossed the finish line. Many thanks to you all for the help and encouragement to get this one done. Your comments are very much appreciated. For those of you who like 1/72 scale it's a nice little kit with few vices. Any issues I had were of my own making. Here's a couple of pics before I do a finished thread.

Cheers Greg


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