**** DONE: GB-64 1/48 P-51D ( II ) - One Trick Pony (1 Viewer)

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Thanks guys. Prepping the interior for Interior Green. Decided to finish off the wheel wells. I'm sold on using Future/Citadel for washes now. I just ordered some more Tamiya 23ml Mixing Jars as I have more Citadel washes: Mud, Sepia and Black. Used on their own they would always leave a stain but mixed with Future they hug the recesses. Washed on the right side


Spritzing after I finish shovelling the driveway.
Innards spritzed for the third time, Imma keeping this Interior Green mix. I can't tell you the exact mix but I started with Tamiya XF-4 Yellow Green and XF-1 Black 10:1. This wasn't quite there and I kept adding more black until the colour matched my bottle of Mr Hobby Interior Green. In the foreground, once again I sprayed black and then dry brushed


Detail pickin' when dry
Innards pretty much done. All the particles you see are from me grinding down the propellers that Andy sent me. I have one that now fits in the spinner, It needs to be shortened a bit and then I can glue it in





Small touch-ups of course

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