**** DONE: GB-64 1/48 P-51D ( II ) - One Trick Pony

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Thanks all. Panel lines done top side, need a few different grits to finish. Also done are the prop blades. Ignore the droops and gaps, they push fit in just fine. Blade angle will be trial. From what I can make out, the tip end top leans slightly forward past centre, at least every photo I've seen

Thanks guys. Terry, I didn't want to do it but decals go over the vent and I need them to sink in a bit deeper for a wash or perhaps poke them straight through. Anyhoo.......that bloody slot behind the canopy has been on my mind since the last GB. I tried various thicknesses and widths of plastic strip but I wasn't sure I could get the curve right and then at about 0400 this AM came a eureka moment, my thinnest card stock will bend just fine, thank you very much. So a bit of filing and sanding later



Good enough for me. Never noticed the notch on the lower side until I test fit it all together. I'll see what I can do to even it out

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