*** DONE: Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/48 Bf 109G-2

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Gunsight, windscreen and rear part of canopy glued, central part temporarily "glued" with liquid mask, vent scoop of the left side under the windscreen deleted and RLM76 applied

Next step will be camo scheme and here the questions begin... We don't (or I don't) know the werknummer so it's not easy to choose the good camo scheme... The only fact is that I./JG53 received their Bf 109G-2s from July 1942 by WNF (Wnr.134--/135-- & 136--) and by Messerschmitt Regensburg (Wnr.1415-/1416-/1418-/1419-).
According to the losses of I./JG53 recorded during the summer 1942 it seems that the proportion of aircrafts from WNF is greater than that the ones from Mtt Regensburg.
On one photo visible on p24 in the book "Jagdfliegerverbände der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1934-1945 Teil 9/III", it seems there are some little "dots" or "spot" under the cockpit with no trace of RLM74 "overflowing" under the cockpit (WNF ?) but mysteriously, on other photos of the same aircraft, it seems that the cockpit zone is more darker (Mtt Regensburg ?) and te fuselage color seems to be in the same tone, I mean that "dots" or "spot" are not visibles... My 2 cts opinion and because, at some point you have to decide: I vote for a Mtt Regensburg camo scheme. And you ?

Me, at this moment: it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby, it's only a hobby...
I've no idea either Steph, but if it was me and because there is a question mark over which is correct, I'd go with whatever one I liked most.

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