**** DONE: Unofficial Bf109-x GB: 1/32 Bf109G-10 Erla

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
User Name : Wayne Little
First Name : Wayne
Category : Advanced
Manufacturer/ Model : Revell Bf109G-10 ERLA
Scale : 1/32
Extras : Eduard Seatbelts

Late in the war the Kampfgeschwader or Bomber Groups began disbanding, some of these former KG units began conversion to the Me262, Fw190A/F and Bf109G-10 and operate as fighters – becoming Kampfgeschwader (Jagd) [Fighter] units.

Sometime in March of 1945 the KG(J) units still operational began applying the Reichsverteidigung (RV) "Defence of the Reich" tactical recognition markings.

Photographic reference indicates that the KG(J) units applied a Chequerband pattern to the rear fuselage of their aircraft.

There are 3 known assigned patterns for the Aircraft, these are the RED/BLACK of KG(J) 6, BLUE/WHITE for KG(J)54 and GREEN/WHITE for KG(J)27

In addition the KG(J) units were ordered to discard their old Bomber style Alpha-numeric identification codes and apply standard fighter unit numbers in the relevant Staffel Colours or Command Chevrons and Bars.

Bringing me to my subject aircraft, an ERLA built Bf109G-10 'White 22'.
A Red/Black chequerband is painted on it's rear fuselage and it's White number indicates it's assignment to 1 Staffel of KG(J)6.
The aircraft was found at the end of the war at Bad Aibling airfield.
There are not many good images of this aircraft, 2 are shown coming from the JaPo Book noted.
A far away image that in fact shows the best details of White 22 and the second, details of the front and rear areas….

Great having you join this 'select' 109 group; 14 entries so far with 11 participants. By the end there should be a good showing of 'finished' models to vote on. Although I'm not sure this one will fit in the allotted photo sizing??

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