**** DONE: Unofficial Bf109-x GB: 1/32 Bf109G-10 Erla

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Thanks Guys, some more done, port fuelage attached and upper wing inner sections in place, Rudder assembled along with upper section of vertical tail
and rudder attached.

12_Fuselage & Upper Wing Section_4993.jpg
13_Stbd Cowl Intakes_5001.jpg
14_Rudder assy_5004.jpg
15_Upper Tail section_5006.jpg
16_Tail Assy_5027.jpg
Very neat and is that a trace of white glue I see in the joins! Just curious. :thumbright: :D
Nah, just some traces of the sanding residue when i got rid of the join line of the upper section of the tail....
Added the upper cowl section, the guns drilled out, hollowed out the portside cowl inlets and added the rear section behind the cockpit.

17_Upper Cowl_5029.jpg
18_Cowl Guns_5030.jpg

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