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Pacific Historian
Jun 4, 2005
Orange County, CA
The driver of this truck is lucky to have had nothing happen to him. His truck though, is a different matter.


  • train-crushes-truck_914.wmv
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A fellow I know who was a conductor with Norfolk Southern said trains he was assigned to hit one truck driver three different times at a crossing near one particular mill. He said they killed him in the third accident. Guess some folks just don't learn.
I've had a few vehicles hit by trains in my time where I work last one a guy with a tractor got the frontend removed up to the cab the only thing that stopped that from toppling over was a trailer he was hooked up to.
People for some reason ignore the high way code at level crossings ,totally mad, good clip sys
That video is funny. Unfortunately we have that trouble in Britain, but our trains don't seem to be able to take the punishment enough. And a few people have died because of idiocy.

Ever noticed that most of them that drive on the tracks are from Lincolnshire, Lee? All inbred there, it's the triangle of inbreeding, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
They all drive in the middle of the road too. The Lincolnshire lot are the worst, I only live about 20 miles or so away from the border of North Lincolnshire so a lot of them come into Doncaster (We say it's so they can see electrical lighting). And you know who they are because they drive in the middle of the road.

Also, it's the Lincolnshire lot that think it's funny not to write the postcode on their letters. Some of them write, "The little white house near the church" then write local underneath, none of them seem to realise that it has to go to a sorting office before going back 'local'. Some of them don't even have addresses, it's just "To Dave Sue" - and you're like, "Oh, better just put it in the Dave Sue box..."

They're so stupid! Damn cabbage molesting inbred turds. And don't get me started on the other two. Driving through the small villages of Derbyshire's like a road version of Deliverance. And then the Nottinghamshire lot have the worst dumbass laugh on the planet.

We've got lots of idiots here in Poland as well. Most cars, trucks, buses, tractors, etc. hit by train accidents happen because they ignore the warning lights if there's no barrier.
Its real amusing some of the claims that drivers come out with that the lights failed to work or came on late. When it gets to court and they find out that 99% of crossing have data recorders and all the functions are registered as well as the trains exact position it all goes tits up for them.
One guy claimed he was injured when a barrier fell on his head we pulled the video tape and he had been trying to climb over it when it was raised and he fell off ten feet up.
Ive given up trying to understand people a long while ago Eric. I even saw a woman on a CCTV contriolled crossing push her childs pushchair under a barrier as it was being lowered it was only the signalman hitting the emergency stop that saved the kid from having a 30ft boom land on its pram when staff went to confront the mother as to why she had ignored 4 flashing lights and 2 yodel alarms all they got was a torrent of filthy language.

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