Doras Galoras - Unofficial GB

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Black 10 2/JG26

put some time in on my Dora today, got the small mask made up for the hakenkreuz on the tail stuck it on and carefully sprayed the area in the Light green (84) colour, painted the prop and spinner, and glossed the lot after some panel line and pastel work...


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Hey, that aircraft model looks familiar, Wayne. Dortenmann's Dora. I built that a few years back. Got a few awards for it, too. Great build.

No, not Dortenmann's aircraft but likely a fellow experienced Pilot commanding another Staffel....

Thanks to all you guys for looking in....some further almost all the decals done this afternoon.


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As always mate, looking dandy!

Despite STILL not finishing (its STILL half painted), I find myself having just bought another two, in the form of the Eduard D-11/D-13 ProfiPACK - silly really, but it was a bargain... The main problem has been the insane weather actually. It's either been stupid hot or really humid where I spray (in the shed - just Hardi-plank with a tin roof), with neither being condusive to detail work. I've actually got a backlog of things to shoot : the D-15, the Ta 183 and an MQ-9. This will shortly be accompanied by a YF-23.

SOOO wishing I had a Basement or Brick/Tile shed

Cheers Dan, hope you had a good Chrissy...

Spinner spiral added and lower surface decals on...


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Chrissy was Chrissy - glad its over, haha. Just realised I CAN'T shoot the Ta 183 yet, as I have to finish the interior to the Vacuform Canopy - so working on that! My logic is, why go to all the trouble in the cockpit, only to cover it with a thick, one piece canopy? So working on that, inbetween bouts of final surface finishing/polishing (only two area's of concern to go - the canopy normally gets attached last, JUST before paint flies)...

Back to it... At least its not a complex shape like the YF-23, and wont require much in the way of detailing... Or are those famous last words?

Famous last words? we will see dan...:d

Thanks Karl and Andy, bit more achieved today...the overspray of 76 on the gruppe bar with the object of leaving them just faintly visible, a task that is not an easy one.....given it is freehand and making sure overspray does not affect the adjacent Band or decal on either side....and painted the undercarriage covers too in 75.


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That looks sweet mate!

And yes, its turning into famous last words - took about 2hrs last night to cut and file (over a few attempts) some plastic card into the correct shape for the rear Ta 183 canopy bulk head. If its stayed properly in place (about to check), It should be plain(er) sailing... Balsa block inside the front end of the canopy (and I need to remove about 1mm of plastic - and on vacuformed canopies, I'm sure you know what thats like), then interior canopy framing...

Then paint both the Fw's at once!


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