Duxford - a Pictorial Tour.

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Moving outside again, there is a fair walk up to the American Museum, and there are things to see on the way.
The whole airfield, apart from some modern additions, is still preserved as it would have been in WW2, with numerous buildings typical of the period. The first shot shows some typical huts, in the area of the original Main Gate and Guard Room. Behind here can be found the 1940 Operations Room, which Andy will post pics of, preserved as it was during the BoB. On the other side of the main road passing the field, can be found the Station HQ and Officer's Mess etc, and on the path up to the American Museum there is a Giant Wurzburg, and a V1 complete with launch ramp.


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OK, here goes...First off, I'll need to say that these were taken on September 5, 2010 at the BOB 70th Anniversary show. There were a few more people around at that time.

First up, and this steps back a little to where Terry is now, is one of the original hangers and dispersal huts (Terry please confirm):

Next we're looking east behind the Hangar 5 in which the Casa 2-111 is housed with a few huts on the left. The Ops Room is behind the grass berm just down the road.

The Ops Room from outside:

Interior shots of the Operations Room follow. Unfortunately, I was travelling light and left my 28mm lens at home so these don't cover much area per shot.

Finally, in the vicinity we have this tower attached to, I believe, the north wall of Hangar 5 which was discussed briefly in a separate post. Although I'm not sure, I think this could possibly be a place where they hung fire hoses to dry.

Great stuff Andy, thanks for the additions. Yes, the first shot is one of the original 'Belfast Truss' hangars, dating from 1919, with one of the crew/Flight huts. And yes, that's the drying tower for the canvas-type fire hoses.
More over the weekend chaps.
Meanwhile, for those who haven't been there, or seen this, here's one to ponder about.
Just a very small part of a huge, and very emotive, memorial to USAAF ETO crews lost in action. Further details in the next post.


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The American Air Museum in Britain is the next stop, a specially designed and built huge building, which houses a superb collection of aircraft and other exhibits, and has its own 'Gate Guardian'.
The approach path is around 150 metres or more long, and lined with the glass memorial panels mentioned previously, each engraved with either B17s, B24s, P51s etc, showing the total number of US aircraft lost on operations from the UK during WW2.
Visitors are greeted, on entry, by the imposing sight of the B52, which had been displayed outside for some years before this Museum was constructed.


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No Chris, as far as I know, it's left like that to show the restoration. This airframe toured the USA and Canada during the war, and bits went missing. It was covered in signatures of people who had contributed to War Bonds and similar, when it returned to the UK post war. It was then in storage for many years at Bournemouth, before being restored, leaving the starboard wing in the remains of the original paint, along with the 'Shlageter' badge of JG26.
Great pictures everyone! I cant wait to visit. Will have to plan it during the airshow!

Do they have any more German aircraft/ Bombers? BF-110? He-111??

I also like the dark side in Star wars!! Haha

Thx for doing this! Cant wait to see more
a few more German types, Ju52/3M, Storch etc, and the Casa He111 as shown. Only real He111 and Bf110 in UK, along with Ju87 and Ju88 are at Hendon.
BTW, Duxford airshows are not a good time to try to view the huge museums.... sometimes they aer closed for the show, and you really need at least a full day, if not more, to see even 90%.
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Oh Oh, this sounds like a dangerous mission! Hope you can get over here Chris, we could get a few bods together for a tour of the brew ...er, museums !!
Some more from the American Museum.


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