Earthquake in the night

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My location info are right, at 80 km from earthquake center

at moment all fine, i hope also in town near the center
My prayers go out to those hit hardest. Not to be morbidly curious or anything, but any word yet on casualties? I'm hopin it'll be a low number. "zero".
ROME (Reuters) – An earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale rocked central Italy on Monday and was felt in the capital Rome, but there was no immediate word of any casualties.

Some residents in the city of l'Aquila, east of Rome in the mountainous Abruzzo region, ran out into the streets and there were reports of wide cracks in some homes.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of the quake, which struck at about 3.35 a.m. (0135 GMT), was believed to be some 53 miles northeast of Rome. It initially put the scale of the quake at 6.7 but later lowered it 6.3.

Residents of Rome, which is rarely hit by seismic activity, were woken by the quake. Furniture rattled and car alarms went off.

The quake was the latest and strongest in a series to hit the l'Aquila area on Sunday and Monday.

Earthquakes can be particularly dangerous in parts of Italy where centuries-old buildings are left in disrepair.
Here it's all ok too away for that, i've sorrowed (for true i don't know english for "addolorato") for the teens of deaths in Aquila area
in the case of earthquake here a table it's not good, i'm in a building of XVIII century with no foundations (basement?), and in urban area so also if run out it's easy takes stones from others collapses
Things are not looking good. 91 dead and 1500 injured. My prayers go out to everyone who is effected by this.

Wow, not a place that normally gets that kind of seismic activity. Be safe, Vincenzo, and keep alert for aftershocks.

Actually the area does get quite a few earthquakes. Most are very small though.
Stay safe Vincenzo. Our prayers go out to all in Italy.

Although Italy doesn't readily come to mind with regard to earthquakes, I can still remember the earthquake in southern Italy back in November of 1980.

Over 3,000 people killed, about, 1,900 missing, 7,750 injured, 250,000 homeless and extensive damage in a 25,000 square kilometer area of Campania and Basilicata.


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