EAW Starting Point

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
Welcome to a section dedicated to European Air War!
Last Updated: 7/4/2006

Basic Downloads Info
EAW Key Files --- no worth of playing without these files! (Most addons require these files)
Sandbagger's EAW Tally Ho! --- most of EAW stuff is at this place
Knegel's Basics of EAW --- learn about basics of combat and some EAW-related issues

EAW Online
EAW Launch Pad --- if you wanna play online
Online/Omni Air Wars

EAW Forum
SimHQ.com EAW Forum --- EAW stuff to be discussed here

EAW Websites
EAW Commmunity Page --- The largest collection of EAW stuff at Sandbagger's Tally Ho Community Page

Czechoslovak EAW Websites
C.S.H.Q. - Czechoslovak Headquarters --- Pisis' EAW website
Jan Tůma's EAW Page
Jan Tůma's EAW Cold War Page
Karel Chvojka's Page at Sandbagger's EAW Host Site
Teplická Virtuální Squadrona
Majki's EAW Luftwaffe Skins Page

If you have any question, suggestion or need help or anything, feel free to either PM me or post a topic in here.

Good hunting!
Pisis --- Commander of the C.S.H.Q.
Is EAW still for sale in europe?Where can I get a copy? I heard that the source code had been released. Is there a freeware version?
Hi gaussianum,

Well the sourcode has been released and hasn't... Actually, as Hasbro still owns the copyright for EAW, they didn't want to let the code in public but as they saw the giant mod-progress the EAW Community made, they gave the code to a small group of 5 people, whom were elected in a referendum of the EAW Community. See: http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=143;t=000370#000000 and http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=143;t=000261#000003
These guys are currently working on it. I've been out of EAW bussiness for almost a year now, so I don't know what is exactly going on there now.

So, because of the Hasbro's ownership, EAW isn't free. All the downloads and mods are, of course.

And I think EAW is still in stores somewhere. A few years back, I bought two copies of Italian EAW CD's in "Sale Books" store, 1 Euro each! Try lookin' for either shops like this one, PC Games Shops or the internet.

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