eBay: Japanese airplanes and other hardware. (1 Viewer)

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IMHO , Shinpachi Shinpachi could help. But the enlarged pics may be not enough to work out the inscription.

View attachment 675384

View attachment 675385
Looks like "陛下天覧 (heika-tenran = Inspected by Emperor)"
Hirohito inspected a M3 captured in Philippine on June 8, 1942

Captured M3 in Philippine

View attachment 675272

Bet you the unisversity will claim ownership too


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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Aichi E13A Jake

View attachment 675865

Nice shot, but are we sure its a "Jake"? I think it may be a Aichi E16A "Zuiun" (Paul)? But I can not tell for sure with the lighting and the angle it is taken. But the Strut to the floats do not look correct for a Jake to my eyes.
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