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Since no one else has jumped in, I believed this is a photoshop. The best I can read the data panel. it says X (maybe or J) P-38 serial number 42-1357. Baugher gives that number for a BT-13. The XP-38 had a 37- serial and the sole XF-5D was a converted F-5A 42-12975 in 1943 which crashed 22 MAR 45, to reclamation 4 APR 45. Perhaps Wurger can use his photo magic to get a better view of the data panel. I suspect the "gun barrel" is fake for the photo. The local ANG unit here used to put used worn 20mm barrels in the air scoops on their C-131 for airshow/open house but no one noticed. Has anyone more info on this P-38?

Not possible to get better quality because the pic id of low-res actually. But the serial is 42-12975 and belonged to the batch 42-12967 ... 42-12986 of Lockheed F-5A-10-LO Lightning. She was redesignated XF-5D-LO Aug 5, 1943 after rebuilt with Plexiglas nose for prone observer and camera position. Crashed 2 mi E of Cross Plains, TN Mar 22, 1945.

Regarding the barrels ... they look really quite strange. But there can be noticed the perforated barrel cover of the Browning guns in the corner of the window behind the gun slot in the plexiglas and the frame. Might be a kind of the protecting cover?

At first glance of those enlargements, I'd immediately call them wood dowels or some meaty, chopped off shovel handles but behind the plexi, there's definitely something "more" than that. I agree about the perforations of a .50 cal. barrel but that's a helluva long barrel. Would put the body of the .50 pretty much right up against the rear of the pilot's instrument panel! Lastly Wurger, I'm not sure I agree with you regarding the serial #. I read it as 42-12375 or 42-12575. Anyhoo, that's my usual .02 cents worth.
Seems like a pretty straightforward photo to me. Why go through such elaborate photoshoping for a plane that there are a number of pictures of already, albeit not closeup and in color? Maybe if it had a sasquatch or Amelia Earhart in the same picture, then yeah. But the skepticism is welcome, if only to see Wurger work his usual magic.

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