eBay: Messerschmitt Bf109

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10 May 40 Fall Gelb -
Factory Aircraft Mk Serial/Wnr. Code Unit Air Force TO/t Airfield
Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 3462 I+6 9./JG 26 Luftwaffe Essen-Mühlheim
Time Cause of the Crash Crash Location Damage Province
1621 Hit by Flak Crashed in the dunes near Ockenburg Zuid-Holland
Function Mil Rank Ini Name Age Mil reg Air Force Fate Cemetery Grave Remarks
Flugzeugführer Lt. W. Ludewig German 60321/2 Luftwaffe - wounded

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  1. Results
  2. Meidagen 1940 algemeen : Luchtoorlog en neergeschoten Duitse vliegtuigen

Bürschgens, Josef 'Jupp' Hptm 1/31/1917 10 2/JG-26 (9/39), 7/JG-26 (Channel) Bf 109E-3 "Red 5" (9/39), Bf 109E-4 Werk # 5396 (8/40, showing 8 victories), Bf 109E-1 Werk # 4495 (or 1195?) "Wh 7 + I" (lost 8/11/40), Bf 109E-1 Wk# 3892 "White 11 + I" (lost 9/1/40) EP
EK 1 & 2(9/39)
Wound Badge
Fighter Operational Clasp Scored the first victory for JG-26 in "Red 5" on 28 September, 1939, a French Curtiss Hawk-75A fighter near Tünsdorf/Mettlach while on an escort mission for an Hs 126 on a spotting mission. On this same date, he became the first JG-26 casualty, suffering two bullet wounds, requiring 8 months to recuperate. His 1st, a Hawk 75 on 9/28/39 at Tünsdorf/Mettlach. His 2nd, a Morane 406 at Mantes on 9 June, 1940. His 3rd, a Spitfire at Dover on 25 July, 1940. His 4th, a Spitfire at Dover on 14 August, 1940. His 5th & 6th, both Spitfires E of Dover on 15 August, 1940. Nos.7 & 8, both Hurricane NNW of Dover on 18 August, 1940. His 9th, a Hurricane at Littlestone on 25 August, 1940. His 10th, a Spitfire at Croydon on 1 September, 1940. Shot down with wounds 11 August, 1940 in his "White 7" by a Spitfire, making an emergency landing in the Calais/Caffiers area. POW 1 September, 1940, after downing his 10th, shot down by the German Bf 110 fighter he had just rescued from his 10th victiim! He crashed his "White 11" AC at Newbridge, near Rye, Sussex, England, suffering head and back injuries. Spent the remainder of the war in a Canadian POW Camp. Released in 1946. Deceased 1 July, 1999. ++

  1. Orig. SW-Dia-JG 26 Schlageter, BF 109, Wnr. 4495 Weisse 7, Lt. Bürschgens wk2 | eBay
  2. Kracker Luftwaffe Archive
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