[Open Issue] Error 522 - new one for me...

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The site has been working well since that event, but it was a little bit of a surprise when things slowed to a crawl for a short time and then the error popped up.

And I see that the title has a typo in it...freakin' awesome...lol
Updated the thread title to avoid further confusion.

Seems like either the serve failed to receive your connection Dave or the other way around. Could then indicate a problem with either your line to the server or vice versa. Does it happen regularly or at any particular time?
It seems to happen in the morning (my time, Pacific) more than any other times.

The site will slow down on page loading as well as images and features. Other times, it just won't show up.

Now, while this is going on, any other website (facebook, google, etc.) loads fine.

Just this morning, (9:45 a.m. Pacific), the site wasn't able to be found. After several tries, it loaded up ok.

As far as a 522 error, the last one I got, was Wednesday morning on the ipad. (this error happens on the ipad or PC, no difference)

No problems, Karl...your error is a little different than this one, though.

The error 525 is a SSL failure between Cloudflare and the server that's hosting the forum, the 522 is a failure for Cloudflare to establish a connection with the host server (TCP timeout)

The one upside to all this, is that our connections are working fine to Cloudflare!
Yes i suppose it is !

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