When you rail and rant against the EU, you have acquired the wrong target. This whole copyright stuff was pushed through because of enormous pressure (and lobbying) by publishing corporations, especially the big newspaper conglomerates, who could no longer suffer to bear that any of their content could be read without being (expensively) paid for - aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at Google. That Joe Q. Public might get trampled by that was irrelevant, it doesn't impact their dividends or bonuses. It may be our bad luck that the internet community isn't a significant enough pressure group to counteract the big corporations, especially since they can push their views in their own media. But first let's see how this works out in practice, especially after the courts had their say about the consequences.
BTW, the corporations who shouted loudest about being ripped off by the "lawless internet" are probably the same who scream blue murder and "freedom of the press" when they are forbidden to publish pictures of princesses without knickers.