F-5E 'Lanakila'

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Nov 10, 2007
Hello all,

I'm getting ready for the Photo Recon group build and need some photo references. I'm building the 1/48 Academy P-38 in the F-5E variant. I want to do F-5E 43-28333, nicknamed "Lanakila" with artwork of a hawaiian Ali'i (royalty) on the nose. It was in the 27th PRS, 7th PRG, 8th AF. I found two very small pictures; does anyone have any larger versions? In fact, ANY picture will help. Here's all I have:



I found a review on Modeling Madness that lists these references as having pictures:

Bell, Dana: Air Force Colors, Volume 2
Bodie, Warren: The Lockheed P-38 Lightning
Davis, Larry: P-38 Lightning in Action
Ethell, Jeffrey and Warren Bodie: World War II War Eagles, Global Air War in Original Color
Freeman, Roger: The Mighty Eighth in Color

Unfortunately I don't have any of these books.

Thanks for your help!!!
Right now I have to go to work, I have some of the books above and will look through them when I get home if some one has not already posted some pictures. Ive seen that picture before or something simular some where. Just have to find it.
Right now I have to go to work, I have some of the books above and will look through them when I get home if some one has not already posted some pictures. Ive seen that picture before or something simular some where. Just have to find it.

Great! I'll be waiting!
Ive looked at the few sources I have and they are the same pictures you have posted above along with the same size. I will keep looking and see if I can find some different ones but not promising anything.
thirtybg, you are my absolute hero! That picture is better than I could have imagined. I can see tons of details that will make this such a great build. Man, what a beautiful bird this is. I think I'm in love!

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