F4F wildcat Vs. Me 109

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I read about a surprising comparative exercise held somewhere in the Pacific Theatre (can't remember where, I'll have to look it up), between a Wildcat and a P-40, a bit of friendly interservice rivalry as I understand about who was going to be assigned island defence.
The Wildcat suprised everybody by winning 3 for 3 in mock combat over the field, no contest.
If the F4F-3 or F4F-4 went into combat against a 109. who do you think would come out the victor?
I think that in most cases like this, who's flying those planes are just as big, if not a bigger, factor than the actual performance of the aircraft mentioned.
Based on aircraft performance alone,though, I would think the 109 would probably win that fight.
The "-3" Wildcat had slightly better performance figures than its "-4" replacement, but the "-4" was better protrected, IIRC.
Personally, and based on aircraft performance alone, If I HAD to be flying a Wildcat in that fight, I'd opt for the FM-2.

The F4F Wildcat is slightly more manueverable than the Bf-109, and we all know how dangerous the Zero could be to US fighters even in 44 to 45 if a skilled pilot was at the stick, and by that time US fighters were vastly superior in performance. So it definitely depends a lot on the pilot.

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