There is no doubt that the F4U could have done what the P-47 did in the CAS role in Europe, but why would you. The P-47 was in Europe the F4U wasnt. Why create another logistics line? The conflict in the far east was based on carriers, why not put your carrier capable planes there? The USA set up two factories producing the P-51, which was the best escort fighter of the war, why look for another one?So, uh hey yah. Getting back to the Corsair (BTW The P-51 and Corsair are my two favorite planes of the war - just a bit of fanboy for you) I came across this test between the P-51C (sounds like a birdcage canopy) and F4U-1. The conclusion is interesting.
Here is the link:
I know there's a lot of "the Corsair couldn't cut it in the ETO" and in many regards this is correct. It wasn't suitable for long range escort or combat above 25K, but there were quite a few roles that it could have performed excellently. I've noticed in a few of the comparisons from the war, like the one linked here and the fighter convention, that the Corsair is rated first or second by the pilots tasked with determining what actually were the best aircraft. Seems to me, they probably knew what they were talking about.
As for all the range calcs and stuff, I'm out of my depth. But, I'm always learning when I visit here.