F7F Tigercat Development and Testing

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I have Brown's "Duels in the Sky" and there is no question in my mind that he is not an unbiased writer even though he undoubtedly is very experienced with many AC. An example(and in a thread on this forum I quoted the exact language) is his absolute bias against the Corsair. In a comparison of the F6F3 versus the FW190A4, he said it would be a contest depending on pilot skill but in the comparison of the Corsair versus the same FW, the FW would have all the advantages. That is just plain silly. Any person knowledgeble about the Hellcat and Corsair would know the Corsair is superior in every way in ACM. In fact, in a US Navy test between the FW, Hellcat and Corsair, although the test indicated that both Navy AC, if properly utilised would handle the FW, the Corsair would have an easier time of it. I conclude that the Corsair in Brown's eyes was so good that he degraded it because it may have been the best all around WW2 fighter instead of his favorite. the Spitfire.
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