FAA Penalty against Collings for P-51 flights

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Tony Kambic

Airman 1st Class
Oct 3, 2017
Press Release – FAA Proposes $247,000 Civil Penalty Against the Collings Foundation for Allegedly Conducting Unauthorized Flights
For Immediate Release
September 4, 2020
Contact: Ian Gregor
Phone: (424) 405-7007/Email: ian.gregor@faa.gov
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) proposes a $247,000 civil penalty against the Collings Foundation of Stow, Mass., for allegedly conducting unauthorized flights in a P-51D Mustang airplane.
The Mustang in question is a limited category aircraft, and FAA regulations prohibit charging people for flights in this category of aircraft.
The FAA alleges that between Jan. 17, 2020 and Jan. 30, 2020, the Foundation improperly operated the Mustang on 26 flights carrying people it had charged for flight training. The FAA alleges that before the operations occurred, FAA inspectors advised the Foundation that such flights would violate FAA regulations.
The Collings Foundation has 30 days after receiving the FAA's enforcement letter to respond to the agency.
Sorry. I don't know what I did, but the press release above not attributable to me. I apologize; I was just trying to reply and hit the wrong reply button.

I was going to say that the Collings Foundation brought a B17, B25, B24 to the Leesburg Florida airport in 2003. I'm still kicking myself for not taking a ride on one of them, but for some reason, $400.00 held me back from flying in a piece of history. It wasn't that I couldn't afford it. What an inopportune time for practicality to kick in!
Over the past weekend I spoke with a pilot who occasionally files warbirds for the foundation. His take was that Mr. Collings may have brought the FAA down upon his own foundation, through his personal behavior and attitude with regards to said agency...

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