Feldwebel Horst Petzschler's Bf 109G-10 "Yellow 5" photos

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Oct 6, 2010
I'm looking for photographs of Feldwebel Horst Petzschler's Bf 109G-10 "Yellow 5" flown at 10./JG51, Bulltofta, Sweden. Colour photo's would be awesome. any help greatly appreciated. thank-you.
just so you know this was not Horsts mount but another in his staffel, he actually grabbed this machine and made off to Sweden in it. I have interviewed the other pilot when he was alive K. Schulz who said that his 109 was gassed up and Horst unknownst to anyone hopped in and flew off and K. and his kommaeraden were then captured by the Russians.

wow, very interesting. which was his normal mount? I heard something about "Black 14"?
its hard to find ANY pics of Yellow 5 non-the-less.
he flew Schwarze 14 while in 2./JG 3 usually but other black numbered 109G-6/AS in April/May of 44 before the unit went back to regular one on one fighters with the US. the idea with all blue grey 109's was to provide high cover for the T/E gruppen bomber killers and sturmstaffel 1. Horst is quite a character.

after months of searching I cannot find anything on K. Schulz or his mount, do you have anymore information on him? I would like to honor the right person for my tribute 109.
anyways I did manage to find something...

"Oberleutnant Kurt Schulze
Began his service as a cadet in 1939. As a wireless operator, he flew in Me 110's over southern Russia with 3.(F)11. From 1942 - 44 he was Communications and Navigation Officer of 1/KG-2 and flew night missions to England as a navigator in Do 217's. While with KG-2, he became a pilot and in 1944, flew Me 109G's with III.JG-5 from northern Finland and Norway. There, he participated in photo reconnaissance missions over Murmansk, (F)124. In early 1945 he commanded 1/JG-51 in Gdansk, Poland where he flew the last of his 103 missions and ended the war commanding 13/JG-5 in Norway. He was credited with 3 victories and holds the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, Flight Clasp, etc. After the war, he spent two years as a P.O.W. in France."

so He couldn't have flown, or be captured by the russians as was previously said...
Here's the Bulltofta machine


  • Bf109G-10 Wknr130297 Yellow5 0297 10-JG51 Obfw Horst Petzschler Sweden.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 425
  • Bf109G-10R3 Wknr130297 Yellow5 10-JG51 Fw Horst Petzschler Bulltofta 04-05-45.gif
    95.1 KB · Views: 345
  • Bf109G-10 Wknr130297 Yellow5 0297 10-JG51 Obfw Horst Petzschler Sweden 08-05-45 3.jpg
    17.8 KB · Views: 677
More likely a different "K.Shultz"?

Erich knows his stuff in this area.

yah no doubt he knows his stuff. all I'm saying is thats the only guy with that name who flew with JG51 in around the same area around the same time as
Horst Petzschler. then Schulz commanded JG5 in Norway when the war ended. it could be another guy with the same name though. just havn't run
across it yet I guess.

thanks for the pics. whats the area circled in the last pic suspose to be?
oh yah.. thought mabey there was something specific. thanks.
I noticed in your first pic that somebody blotted out the swastika.
the one I have has it there.

also, the Claus drawing has vastly different colours. its been generally
accepted that during that time the 109 used defensive colours (browns,
greens, etc). I wonder why he chose to colour it in Greys...

I'm building a 1:5 scale Me 109G-10/U4 of Horst's mount and just want it to
be as accurate as possible.
The Swedes always blocked out national symbols.

Firstly in my book its a Bf 109 not Me 109 although the last term was generically used by non-technical people and the allies. All the techinical manuals use the term Bf (I have most of these) and even Willy Messerschmitt used the term in his correspondence as did Ernst Udet. You rarely see the term Me in

Next whilst the small profile might be 'technically accurate' but I think Claes' profile really shows how a late war 109 would have looked, dirty, un-loved, not well painted with poor paint quality and pretty clapped out.

Last Erich knows more about the Luftwaffe than just about anybody I know (that's a few used greenbacks Erich ) and I know a fair few, and like the Lord, he pops up everywhere on forums you've never even heard of!


The Swedes always blocked out national symbols.

The swastika a national symbol Chris? Ive always considered it a symbol of the NSDAP. It has no historical association with Germany despite what some of the nazi pseudo archeology would have us believe.

I'd like to second Bf not Me please. I also agree that Sundin profile looks very good, they usually do.

please excuse my lack of proper technical terms, so then the Sundin profile
would be the most accurate then? perhaps Erich could respond to settle this
once and for all? don't get me wrong though, as I greatly appreciate all the
responces to this thread.
The swastika a national symbol Chris? Ive always considered it a symbol of the NSDAP. It has no historical association with Germany despite what some of the nazi pseudo archeology would have us believe.


Hi Steve

However twisted and horrible the swastika symbol of the NSDAP was, the NSDAP was the government of Germany, and that this symbol of the total antithesis of all that is good did become the German national symbol from 1933 to 1945. The true historical symbols of Germany remains to this day the Black Cross adopted by the Teutonic Knights and even earlier by the Church and of course the Golden Eagle, neither of which disappearered during Nazi rule.


I'd like to second Bf not Me please. I also agree that Sundin profile looks very good, they usually do.


he (Sundin) has another profile of Yellow 5 in his later book. which is
green, with some brown the typical greys blue. looks like he revised
it since he drew the original grey Yellow 5.

I would post the pic but its copyrighted material and wouldn't want to get
anybody in trouble. sorry.
so does anybody have any more insight/proof onto whether or not 130297 was
stolen? from what I seen, Horst's last 8 kills or so was with 130297.

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