Fiat CR32

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I have tweaked the design slightly (nose cowling area, wheel spat rivets) and finished the changes needed for the 'bis' version, so I should have maybe a dozen eventually...

These are the final 'standard' versions - except the Chinese one... they got something like prototypes, which lacked the cooling fins on the nose...


  • CR32_Austria_1.png
    50 KB · Views: 724
  • CR32_Austria_2.png
    48.2 KB · Views: 1,324
  • CR32_China_1.png
    43.5 KB · Views: 628
  • CR32_Hungary_1.png
    50.3 KB · Views: 572
Very nice profiles Clave!

The small fin on the nacelle below the top wing, a gun smoke exhaust? Unique to the Fiat or should all enclosed nacelle mounted guns have them?

Very nice profiles Clave!

The small fin on the nacelle below the top wing, a gun smoke exhaust? Unique to the Fiat or should all enclosed nacelle mounted guns have them?

Interesting question, and I don't know the answer - logically you would always have a vent for smoke, and there is probably a lot of pressure there too...

The only thing that springs to mind is the Hunter which has smoke nozzles above the cartridge collecting fairings:


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