Fiat G.55

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A bit of camo again, Egypt this time:


  • Fiat_G55A_Egypt_Dev.jpg
    90.5 KB · Views: 822
Thanks! And they were fun to do - could be the last for a while though, I have to work on my new site now and try to get some 'showcase' content in there...

I have hit a kind of mental block right now, but it will sort itself out soon...
Hi Clave,

>A bit of camo again, Egypt this time:

Great work! I love the clarity of detail in your work! :)

One comment on the flag of the user country: It seems that the contemporary Egyptian flag looked a lot like the Egyptian roundel: Kingdom of Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... wouldn't it maybe be more consistent to use the contemporary flag instead of the current flag in your presentation?


Henning (HoHun)
Good point Henning, I think I will change that... :!:

I'm still tidying the spare room/office, working on a new site, and generally trying to be business-like, but it is weird as every day seems similar, if not the same when at home all the time...:eek:

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