**** FINISHED: 1/48 Harrier GR9,4(AC) Sqn RAF - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Username: Airframes.
Name: Terry the Claw.
Category: Judge, non-competing.
Kit: Revell (ex-Hasegawa) Harrier GR7/9
Scale: 1/48th.
Accessories: Spare and home made decals, scratch-built bits and seat harness.

At last, it's finished, although the model has not yet been glued to the base, and the latter has to have the edge trim added. Once that's done, it's off to my mate's house, to join the GR3 I built for him some time ago.
Quite a nice kit, but not without a couple of faults, the main one being the fit of the canopy transparency to the frame. But, at a reduced price of £9.99, instead of around £29, or the silly Hasegawa price of around £40, I'm relatively happy with it. Like most of my models, it could be better in parts, but I'll blame that on my knackered hands!
Here are the six mandatory pics, and the four 'extras'.
Thanks to all of you for the kind words and good wishes.


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