**** FINISHED: GB-58 1/48 Mosquito NF Mk.XIII/XVII - Night Fighters all Eras

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Username: le_steph40
First name: Steph
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Tamiya 61075
Model: Mosquito NF Mk.XIII/XVII => Mk.XIX
Scale: 1/48
Add-on: Eduard canopy masks and cockpit photo-etched parts, some scratch build and Tally HO decals (Letter code and serial)

The subject is Mosquito NF Mk.XIX serial MM629 coded VYoY from 85 Sqn flown by Bransome A. Burbridge between June and November 1944 to claim 9 victories + 1 V-1.

And the additionnals

Ready for the next GB...

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