The first model has been finished and that's the time for getting the thread started.....
Wayne Little - 1/48 Bf109E-4
Category - Judge – Non-competing
T Bolt - 1/48 Hughes 500D
Category - Advanced
Parsifal - 1/72 Westand Sea King
Category - Intermediate
fubar57 - 1:48 BP Defiant
Category - Advanced
Parsifal - 1/72 Airfix Westland Scout (RAN)
Category - Intermediate
Crimea River - 1/48 Bf109E-4B
Category - Judge – Non-competing
Donivanp - 1/48 He 111-H
Category - Intermediate
mikewint - 1/48 ACH-47A Chinook
Category - Intermediate
Airframes - 1/48 He-111H-4
Category - Judge – Non-competing
Wayne Little - 1/48 Bf109E-4
Category - Judge – Non-competing
T Bolt - 1/48 Hughes 500D
Category - Advanced
Parsifal - 1/72 Westand Sea King
Category - Intermediate
fubar57 - 1:48 BP Defiant
Category - Advanced
Parsifal - 1/72 Airfix Westland Scout (RAN)
Category - Intermediate
Crimea River - 1/48 Bf109E-4B
Category - Judge – Non-competing
Donivanp - 1/48 He 111-H
Category - Intermediate
mikewint - 1/48 ACH-47A Chinook
Category - Intermediate
Airframes - 1/48 He-111H-4
Category - Judge – Non-competing