Finnish Gladiators and the pilots who flew it.

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missed a couple of days, but here ya go...

Finnish Gladiator Victories

Ylik O. Tuominen 7.5 Victories GL-255 (4) , GL-258 (2)
Luutn P. Berg 4 Victories GL-279 (3) , GL-280 (1) didn't have any shots for these two.
Alik I. Joensuu 3 Victories GL-256 (3)
Ltm. L. Lautamaki 2.5 Victories GL-253 (2.5)
Ylik V Porvari 2 Victories GL-264 (2)

GL-255 Flown by SSgt. Oiva Tuominen Feb. 1940 claimed 3.5 victories in this aircraft 13 Feb.
GL-258 Also flown by SSgt. Oiva Tuominen claimed 2 Victories 2nd. Feb. 1940, this aircraft was lost on the 25th Feb 1940.

GL-253 Flown by Ltm. L Lautamaki, claimed victories in this aircraft on 11th Feb, 13th Feb and 26th Feb 1940.

GL-264 Flown by Ylik V Porvari, claimed 1 victory on 15th and 16th Feb 1940, this shot shows the aircraft on 21st May 1940 when it stalled and flipped on landing.

Images Source : Hurricane Gladiator Suomen Ilmavoimien Historia by Kalevi Keskinen Kari Stenman


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