First glimpse of the Boeing 787

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The engines on these things just keep getting bigger and bigger. Look at the pods on a 727, they look like gas tanks in comparison.
Most factory fresh airframes are silver alumimun - is this thing using a
composite fuselage? I am pretty far out of the airline loop, as you can
Interesting thing is the 787 is the only aircraft in the world where 2 engines have a single interface. Thereby allowing the aircraft to be fitted with either the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 or the General Electric GEnx engines at any given time.
Interesting thing is the 787 is the only aircraft in the world where 2 engines have a single interface. Thereby allowing the aircraft to be fitted with either the Rolls Royce Trent 1000 or the General Electric GEnx engines at any given time.

I did not know that . . . I know you can order most of the newer airliners with your choice of engines (Rolls-Royce, P&W, GE, etc.), especially the 57, 67 77, but I just assumed it wasn't a big deal which engine you chose. Wrong!

And, yes, the fuselage is of all-composite construction, so that's why it looks like it's plastic - because it is!

You can order aircraft with different engines that have been rated for certified that aircraft but the 787 is the first aircraft where you can just interchange the two engines. I am sure though that each engine has to be the same type of engine as well.
Good pic, starting to look good.

And bomber why would the engines not work? Because its not a European aircraft.......?

What's the "Because its not a European aircraft.......?" got to with owt ?

The engines on that particular plane are Trent 1000's and I hope they work...
Even if as yet they aren't certificated...

What do you mean with interchange engines? Is what I understand that you can have a plane with for example a GE in one side and a RR in the other?

No, it means you can have either type of engine, but installed in pairs.

I dont think its possible to mix and match engines from different manufactorers as each engine puts out different levels of thrust per throttle setting.

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