With all the information available on this forum, some one is bound to know the answer. My primary interest is in first generation jets, but there is a lot of mis-information out there. I have a particular interest in the Arado Ar234, which was the first operational jet bomber. I know the Me 262 was built as a fighter bomber as well, but the Ar234-B ( the one with retractable under-carriage) was purpose built as a bomber only. The earlier version was a recon plane that used a dolly and skid arrangement. I've read stories that claim that the Ar234-B was escorted by Me 262's on bombing raids against the bridge at Remagen, but can't find anything really substantiated. Does anyone have any links or books that back this up ? I also tried to find the next instance of this happening, but there were only vague references to the B45 Tornado during Korea ( which did not appear to have jet escorts), as well as the B47, which never actually dropped a single bomb. A number of sources claim that the Ar234 was immune to allied fighters, and others actually state that none were lost on combat, but I know for a fact that a number were shot down by fighters and flak as they held straight level lines on their bombing runs. Some got shot up by their own side as well, as this new aircraft were unfamiliar to German AA crews. To the best of my knowledge, the Arado was the last enemy aircraft to overfly the UK undetected as well, although those sneaky soviets may have gotten away with it since