First US Airshow of the season, Cable Airshow

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You have got some cracking shots in those sets and a nice easy to use format.

Not really jealous of the blue sky, either !
Awsome job as always Eric, Im hoping to go to my first this weekend. The EAA's anual snow bird fly in is suppose to take place this weekend. Its where planes with skies fly in and land on the snow at pioneer airport. We have plenty of snow but I may get driven off since its suppose to be -6 degree's with the wind chill this weekend. I guess its a wait and see on this one. Then again Ive survived worse. Last week we had a couple of days with -40 degree's with the wind chill.
I love the parchhute shot u posted up there Eric, musta been damn hard to get that set up right....

Gotta be honest here, it was dumb luck. I did see the jump plane circling overhead and thought it would make a cool shot. Just as I was pressing the shutter button for that shot, I saw the jump plane coming into the frame. Because I saw the nose before the mirror went up, I knew I had it. But I wasn't anticipating the jump plane coming, so it was a nice bonus. I was pretty damn happy to get the shot though!

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