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I meant it as making it appear as something which it isn't. In this case making it seem it is a true WW2 story. There have been so many myths written in important books already so we don't need people coming up with new bogus stories. Before you know it you will have another Ju 390 flying to New York City or one third of all Bf 109s crashing on take off and landing ;)

I meant it as making it appear as something which it isn't. In this case making it seem it is a true WW2 story. There have been so many myths written in important books already so we don't need people coming up with new bogus stories. Before you know it you will have another Ju 390 flying to New York City or one third of all Bf 109s crashing on take off and landing ;)

I actually heard that on the History channel.
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I'm going to go out on a limb here with a little speculation, but it's entirely possible that someone's fiction ended up spreading all over the internet.

I've seen this "story" posted all over, but no one seems able to figure out who the "mysterious" Canadian pilot is.

If it was intended to be a fictional work, they need to have a little better handle on the equipment and how it was used, time periods and events involved, as well as being better aquainted with Canadian and European use of metric measurements.

If they were actually trying to pass this off as a true story, well...good freakin' luck on that! :evil4:
This is a good article on the concept and implementation of Britische Freikorps. British Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII and follow the link to, Britisches Frei-Korps / British Free Corps You'll find there was no recorded combat activity. I would also agree with the comment if there were any successful pilots against the Russians it would have been publicized. If there is any validity it may be in the Author being apart of or exposed to the Freikorps and the ability to spin a yarn credible to the layman.

You might enjoy this well documented story of a Luftwaffe pilot that saved a novice American bomber crew, WW2 Luftwaffe pilot-turned-Canadian performed an act of amazing grace - HOGS Forum
If you read books about Erich Hartmann.. He mentions several times that he and his crewchief flew to safety in the cockpit. Also that at least once put multiple persons in the fuselage as well as another body in the cockpit and flew with the canopy off. Id say this story is very believable. I have sat in the cockpit of a ME-109G and can see how you could get 2 people in it.. It would be uncomfortable but you could get 2 in there without a canopy.
If you read books about Erich Hartmann.. He mentions several times that he and his crewchief flew to safety in the cockpit. Also that at least once put multiple persons in the fuselage as well as another body in the cockpit and flew with the canopy off. Id say this story is very believable. I have sat in the cockpit of a ME-109G and can see how you could get 2 people in it.. It would be uncomfortable but you could get 2 in there without a canopy.
I have sat in a Bf109 as well, and can imagine two people sitting in there, but not while the aircraft were in flight. If Hartmann were able to not only fly his aircraft with someone in the cockpit but safely get it back down again, hats off to him.

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