Flying Legends 2017

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Spotted one of those Spits in the Dunkirk movie trailer.

Looks like they've used some special effects to replicate the same plane.
A MkV and a Mk1 in that last pic. But that rather poor replica cockpit for the close-up shots has given me real doubts about this movie. The production crew obviously went to some length constructing that, so why the heck didn't they get it at least a bit closer to the real thing ?
Three Mustangs made up the aerobatic performance of 'The Horsemen', with new arrival 'Frenesi', 'Miss Helen', and the Norwegian, RAF camouflaged example.
Again, the pics are divided between two posts.

Thanks Paul. Whilst they're reasonable, they're certainly not as good as they should be.
After the roar of Merlins, the 1930's racers took to the air, rather gracefully, although not at full power, with the Cosmic Wind 'Ballerina', the former Alex Henshaw Percival Mew Gull, the Travel Air Mystery Ship, and the lovely DH Comet, as shown in the next two posts.

The DC-3 from Dakota Norway was originally built as a C-53 'Skytrooper' in 1943, and performed its usual dramatic display, being thrown around the sky more like a fighter than a transport aircraft.

Very good shots Terry.

Our London trip concluded today and we are preparing to fly back to the home country Sunday morning. I've still not had a chance to organize my pics but have done a preliminary binning of the ones that were pure rubbish. Most of my flying pics, if not all, will not beat Terry's as I tend to shoot at a lower speed to get more prop blur. In doing so, I get a lot of pics taht aren't sharp and this year, the aircarft were further away than the last time I was at Dux. I'll post up the ones that I have that appear to be a bit different starting Monday or Tuesday.

Meantime, here's one for Terry.....

Pilot put the gear handle up to prevent the aircraft from flipping over onto it's back. Good move on his part to lessen damage to the aircraft and injuries to himself.
Andy - Grrr!
Bl**dy tractor with planks ! (But it put on a splendid display, which I'll feature in the next post tomorrow .... er... later today !).

Thanks for the confirmation Jimbob - I'd guessed the pilot had got the gear up in time. One of the best bits of flying skill I've seen in a long time - and I've been around aviation since Moses was a Corporal !!

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