Flying Legends 2018

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Sitting in Frankfurt on my way back to the great white North. Good pics so far and keep them coming. I was getting lots of FB updates while on the cruise and saw that the weather looked great. But yea it makes for tough photography.
The Red Bull B25. The other engine also caught on and went for a flying display. I think it looks splendid in it's natural finish, but I heard others preferring the operational colours.
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Just got back after a brilliant weekend with the guys - we went back to DX on Monday with Marcel and Hans, and I decided to stay over for a couple more days, as the weather was so good.
It was so hot on Sunday, that a can of Coke exploded in Karl's dog kennel (aka his tent !), and some of my camera functions were getting affected. !
I'll start sorting and posting my pics tomorrow, after I've caught up with 'life'.

Great pics Marcel, even that bag of spanners - but those fragile, short-ranged, under-armed Spitfires look superb .... cough !
Sorry, only have 2 days and then I'm off again, so I'll keep on posting. I'll see your pictures when I return Terry.

There were Spanish Spitfires called Buchon. However, they thought the Spitfire was too flimsy so they used a BF109 fuselage . You can also see that the British don't know one European from the other (hence the Brexit) so although these are Spanish aircraft with British engines, they paint them in Luftwaffe markings

Oh, end did I mention there were Spitfires?
P40's and a Hawk75. On the Sunday, the Hawk 75 prepared to take of and then suddenly decided not to fly. Don't know what was wrong, but it didn't fly anymore that day. Luckily I saw it flying on the Saturday, though.

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