Flying Legends 2018

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Sorted out our photo's and found a few which are worthy of posting. The RFC guys where there large part of the was warm...respect for taking re-enactment to the limit

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Great Pics Sander, and thanks for posting some of the 'sideshows', as Karl and I didn't bother having a wander around this year.
Those RFC re-enactors must have been slightly warm !
Thanks Gary.
Shame we didn't get the chance to meet up again.
Hey Terry..and gang, was kinda busy and had some things to do that meant leaving early. No Bottisham open day this year either so will catch up on the road next year
And I need to start being more active on this here site (Been off over 6 months !)
Yep, agree on the pics., Marcel. While I'm now back in En Zed from my UK jaunt, I haven't had much time to do photo stuff, but I've done a wee bit of editing of my Legends pics for posting. Some of them are pretty ropey, but I've picked out a few here that might just pass muster.






Thanks for sharing all the photos. Next best thing to being there.

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