Flying Legends cancelled for this year !

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Flying Legends 2021 has been cancelled, due to uncertainty over the full lifting of lockdown in the UK, scheduled for 21st June.
The event was due to take place on the weekend of 10th and 11th of July, at the new venue, Sywell, near Northampton, UK.

As most here will know, this world-famous and hugely popular "warbird" air show has taken place every year at Duxford, for the past thirty years, up until the final show at that airfield in 2019. Last year, of course, there were no air shows, due to the Covid pandemic and, following some discussions and apparent disagreement between IWM, operators of Duxford, and The Fighter Collection, it was announced that Flying Legends would not continue at Duxford, and a new venue was being sought.
Stephen Grey, of TFC, has had to take the very difficult and no doubt painful decision to cancel the show, as it is currently uncertain if the UK lockdown will be lifted as planned, and, although extremely disappointing for all concerned, it is fully understandable, as the financial and ( possible ) health risks have to be considered in a reasonable time before the date of the event, more so being an "un-tried", new venue.
It has been announced that refunds will be made to those who have already purchased tickets, and this sad announcement has come juts in time for me, at least, as I was about to buy my tickets !
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