Flying man

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Hello everybody! Just stopped here to show you this vid:


Hey Marconi, I have a question about the aircraft museum in Kiev, if you can answer for me. Is there a separate museum for WWII aircraft? The "National Aircraft Museum" just seems to have the cold war aircraft.
There's an aircraft museum in kiev? Made some digging and it looks like this museum is fairly new,no wonder I haven't heard of it before.Have you visited it or found some info on the Internet?
Regarding your question - no there is no museum of WW2 aircraft here, in best case there is something about WW2 aircraft in the museum of history of Great Patriotic War, not much though.

Yes I was there. The museum is almost all from 1950's - 1990's, there is only 1 Yak-3 and a Yak-18 from postwar. I have also been to the military museum too. Too bad, I would have likes to see some more examples: Mig-3, LaGG-3, La-7, Pe-2, Il-2, Su-2, Tu-2, Il-4, SB-2. I would have though they could at least got some of those types? I think the USSR made more than a few of those...
Y I would have though they could at least got some of those types? I think the USSR made more than a few of those...
Well, by the Soviet tradition all the best stuff was in Moscow, then Leningrad, then what's left was given to capitols of soviet republics (i.e. Kiev, Minsk and so on). So, if you really want to see something intresting you'll have to go to Moscow. In this case Central Air Force Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Kubinka museum is also a must see Kubinka Tank Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

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