FMA IA-58 Pucara COIN aircraft.

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This desing would be better. 8)

I'm currently working on a 3D model of the Pucara. To me it's a beautiful, streamlined aircraft.


  • rokets.jpg
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Otras fotos, actualmente se los esta probando en Córdoba con biocombustibles, son los primeros en Sudamérica capaces de volar con biocombustibles. Mi ingles es muy bruto así que lo dejo en manos de cualquier colega para que lo traduzca.







Love the loadout display.

But did the Puma have both 20mm and .50BMGs? Or were the .50s in wing pods? The pic shows both and with the Brownings in the raw (ie not in a pod).
Yeap, those are Browning M3 12,7mm use in pods mostly in the belly emplacement, the CITEFA ( Defense technical office) had manufacture some gunpods very similar in shape like the FN HMP .50.


Otras fotos, actualmente se los esta probando en Córdoba con biocombustibles, son los primeros en Sudamérica capaces de volar con biocombustibles. Mi ingles es muy bruto así que lo dejo en manos de cualquier colega para que lo traduzca.

Another photos, today this aircraft underwent test in Cordoba with bio-fuel, those are the first in South America capable to fly with biofuel. My english is rough so I let this in hands of any colleague to translate.


My note: the Biofuel mentioned by LKL is a derivated from the standar sunflower oil use mostly to cook in Argentina.

P.S: This picture must have been taken several years ago, the FMA IA-50 (Left) liason aircraft and the B-Mk 62 canberra bomber were deleted from service in the late 1990s.

Your comment: I've always been facinated by this aircraft, it looks like it has a "German" blood line!
The fuselage designed is based on the A-4 Skyhawk.
Plan D,
Taking on England was not the problem. The problem was that the U.S. was giving satellite intel to the Brits and had a U.S. Navy carrier servicing British aircraft in the south Atlantic. So much for Alex Haigs "honest broker" approach.
Plan D,
Taking on England was not the problem. The problem was that the U.S. was giving satellite intel to the Brits and had a U.S. Navy carrier servicing British aircraft in the south Atlantic. So much for Alex Haigs "honest broker" approach.

Re the satellite photo's I would be suprised if they were not supplied. Re the US Carrier servicing British Aircraft in mid atlantic, that is total bull.
I take it you can supply details as to who or where you got such crass information.

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