Focke Wulf Fw190 'Protectors'

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 4, 2009
Yorkshire UK
I am building a kit collection based on the history of the Fw190 - heavily centred on 'The Sturmgruppen'.
I have kits of Fw190 opponents - Spitfires, Tempests, Mustangs etc. and also Russian opposition.

I am trying to get a clearer view of the Bf109's , which flew to protect The Sturmgruppen as they attacked B17s and B24s.

I have assumed they are 'clean' Bf109G-6, G-10 and G-14s but would appreciate it if I could get advice as to whether my choice of Bf109's is correct and also if I could be advised as to which units flew protection for the Fw190's.

Thanks and regards,

IMHO a G-14/AS or a G-10 with the big streamlined cowling is a better choice, but I cannot vouch which units flew close escort. I guess whatever happened to be at hand, but they were certainly clean (w/o gondolas), but with a droptank.
depends totally on the time period. I./JG 300 flew G-6's with and with out underwing 2cm cannon on high protection ops.

III./JG 4 flew their G-6's the same and also the G-14 and G-14/AS without underwing mountings.

IV.Sturm/Jg 3 really never had it's own "private" high staffel protectors it either attacked solo or in hand in hand on par with JG 300.

On several missions JG 53 in it's capacity as a Geschwader flew it's 109G's in any role whether to take on bombers or provide the needed high cover, II./JG 5 did the same though this was short lived.
Thanks Erich for your input. I'll 'pull together' decals etc. and am trying to track down a 1/48 G-14AS (I've already got most of the Fw190's)

Any news of your book being published?


am going back to Montana at the end of August to talk further and more planning for the book. you guys need to pay close attention to :


the Ta 152H book is due out in April, all of you will enjoy it, a bit more techie than the usual eagle editions type of works but that is ok, the book is needed that is a fact.
am going back to Montana at the end of August to talk further and more planning for the book. you guys need to pay close attention to :


the Ta 152H book is due out in April, all of you will enjoy it, a bit more techie than the usual eagle editions type of works but that is ok, the book is needed that is a fact.

E ~ would you find out from Jerry how they edit and annotate photo collections? That is my last leg on the book.


no problem Bill will ask Jerry/Judy...........

E ~ dang the weather is fine out

E ~ what I am looking for is the software to put 8-10 photos per page, with ability to write captions below them. Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney has exactly what I need. I am using Corel to annotate the side elevtion profiles then imbed them into a Word page.
maybe one of the skinners at this site might be able to help you

Mission4Today ForumsPro IL-2 Sturmovik Skinning

they do complete squadrons at a time...hope this helps

We might be talking about two different issues.

I have approx 2000 photos of 2SF and 355th FG. I want to put at least half of them into a book and need to do two things. One - gather approximately 8-10 at a time in a photo album format. For each photo I want to be able to type a description of the photo under each photo - but not on the photo.

Then after I have completed say 100+ pages of 10 photos each, I want them organized as sequential pages for a book.

I have utilities that will organize them say 4x2, but each photo touches the other with no room for description - unless I then move them into photoshop or corel and 'write' on each photo, then reassemble into the new 4x2 page of photos. Much longer process and much harder to edit later if necessary.

I have done the latter of 50 side elevations of Mustangs and P47s, put consistent 'legends' on each one using Corel, then placing three each to a page, which touch each other at the border, then copied the 3 ship image onto a Word page, then attached to the rest of a Word document.

BTW a 300 page book which uses about 3mb of storage jumps 100mb when I add those 17 pages of 3 -ship side elevations.
Bill, you're not able to, say, open a new page in Corel or Photoshop at 800x800 and paste a pic of 700x700 thereby leaving room for notations? I've done that in GIMP - thought it could be done with $$$ programs.
Bill, I've done a similar thing using 'Publisher', maybe that would be a start point? When you mention 'side elevations', are these photos or profiles? If you need any of the latter, let me know, I'd be happy to produce some/all for you, FOC of course.
T - Here is an example aftrer Corel to photoscape. Reducing from 6mb jpg images to ~ 230K.

BTW - Thanks very much for the effort. Steve Deisley did some great work for me on the project, plus well into finalizing the 355th TFW in Vietnam and today in Afghanistan


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Better late than never perhaps, but forget that approach to layout... Get yourself a hold of PROPER print layout software (I use Adobe InDesign) - it will make your life so much easier... Completely Drag and Drop and Automated on so many tasks!

At the other end of the spectrum is 'LaTeX', which uses a text mark up and really restricts a lot of design choices - BUT the pro is that it produce BEAUTIFUL output and is what 99% of Academic papers are produced with... It's a steep learning curve (compared to InDesign), but can be made much easier with something like TeXstudio - and its free, and the file formatting is totally cross platform and open, and it has really good support for Biblio and etc...

But most 'books with images' in them would be laid out in something like InDesign (or Quark Xpress).


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