Folker Tri-plane

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Like any build, I started with the front office. Not much details in this one.


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It took several tries before I could close up the fuselage. The control panel was a little wide and the tabs were to large. I finally got everything together but the seat is off center. I decided the finished plane would look better unpainted. The painted models look to much like a toy.


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I'm intrigued with these little wood models, it's how the designers have managed to engineer this sort of click and hold. It should be a little fun build.
The good thing is I don't have to worry about filling seems. If I parts falls out, a little white glue. My wife's kitten did jump up on the table and ran off with the pilot's seat.
The good thing is I don't have to worry about filling seems. If I parts falls out, a little white glue. My wife's kitten did jump up on the table and ran off with the pilot's seat.
Meet Daisy Roswell, intergalactic space immigrant. Stealer of pens, coke tops, hard boiled eggs and my wife's heart. 7 months old, weighing in at 6 1/2 lbs. Found hiding between the grill and empty flower pot back in June.


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I had time to complete step 3 today. Assemble the tail. Just a little sanding and everything feel into place. I did have a little trouble attaching the top of the fuselage. I may go back and try straighten out the pilot's seat. Next I will add the guns.


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Had a little free time and worked on my bird. The machine guns kept falling off. I started the engine and the fabric around the cockpit. The parts would not lay flat.


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Here is the firewall and the engine. I had to rebuild the engine because I installed it upside down. Things are a little out of square.


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I have attached the engine and repaired the parts that did not fit.


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